拍摄团队选择了受害者母亲作为唯一的narrator这是最重要的角度也是最容易拍摄的角度我能理解拍摄者想要为受害者一方发声的努力做你的爱人4未删减版这种出发点也容易导致片子的客观性降低也可能我总是从做新闻的角度出发如果报道这个事件尽量多角度呈现才能更接近事实吧抛开“keep a distance”的思考看这部片子的时候确实泪流满面希望这个母亲能好起来
女神棍战蓄奴可参考之前钢锯岭神迹体验可能有增强当事人信念作用但对第三者来说也可能是种削弱Suppose there’s a snake coiled at your feet, and it shoots up to bite you. Folks get scared and send for a doctor to cut out the bite. But the snake, he roll up there. And while the doctor cutting, he bites you again, in a new place this time. Finally you realize the snake ain’t going to stop unti WOT